Water Filtration
Our water filter technology really separates us from the rest of the pack. From laboratory testing data to tips and tricks videos to get the most out of your Sawyer water filtration systems, below should be everything you need to get your question answered. If not, let us know so we can add it here for others to see as well.
How to use Sawyer filters in an emergency.
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOReport from the filtration efficacy study
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEODiarrhea prevalence in a randomized, controlled prospective trial of point-of-use water filters in homes and schools in the Dominican Republic
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSawyer Training - High Performance Water Filters and the 4 Reasons Why Sawyer Sets the Standard
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOMetric graph and data overview about the Pointone filter
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSawyer 2 Liter Water Filtration System
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOA product overview video discussing Sawyer water filters
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOA video overview of the inline hydratioon pack adapters
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOImportant tips for using the Sawyer Squeeze Filter
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSawyer Filter Backwashing Tips and Tricks
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSawyer brand and product overview for hikers and campers
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSawyer brand and product overview for hunters and fishermen
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOUse and maintenance instructions for the Sawyer 1 Gallon Gravity System
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOInstructions for use of the cleaning coupling
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOMicrobiological testing of the Sawyer Mini Filter
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOTest results from a study conducted by Calvin College
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSawyer brand and product overview for campers and hikers
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOJennifer Pharr Davis Introduces the Sawyer Micro Squeeze Water Filter
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOAn informational handout about Sawyer filter performance
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSpanish cleaning instructions for Sawyer water filters
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOBilingual (Spanish) use and maintenance instructions
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOFilter Certification Report from Calvin University
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOA blank black and white coloring template
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOThe Sawyer Tap Filter | Tips & Tricks
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEO