Clean Water for Honduras

Since 2008, Sawyer has teamed up with over 140 non-profits in more than 80 countries to provide personal filtration systems to communities lacking access to clean drinking water. Since the first install, Sawyer and our partners have impacted over 28 million lives.

This spring, to recognize the 15 Year Anniversary of our first clean water initiative, Sawyer returned to the site of our first install – Tegucigalpa, Honduras! We reunited with our original partner, Water With Blessings, to throw a Clean Water Quinceañeara in a cloud forest. We met over 150 "Water Women" and witnessed Sawyer filters that were in daily use for over a decade.

To help document the trip and the stories of the Water Women, we invited creator, outdoor educator, and industry expert Miranda Webster of Miranda Goes Outside.

Watch the video above or click to watch on youtube

People in Honduras holding buckets and Sawyer water filters



Waterborne Illness Reduction


Liters Filtered a Day


Years Lifespan per System

with support from

Honduran woman smiling holding her knitted crafts

What's a Water Woman?

All 140 Sawyer partners use unique, intentional programming to train individuals on how to use Sawyer Water Filtration Systems.

Water With Blessings educates women on how to use and repair their filtration systems, and empowers them to become respected Water Women in their communities. A Water Woman is empowered for the wellness of her family with a Sawyer filter and general health information. In return, she makes a sacred commitment to filter healthy drinking water for three other households besides her own.

Driven by compassion and guided by science for better health, Water with Blessings has trained 164,527 Water Women in over 48 countries.

What's a Water Woman?

All 140 Sawyer partners use unique, intentional programming to train individuals on how to use Sawyer Water Filtration Systems.

Water With Blessings educates women on how to use and repair their filtration systems, and empowers them to become respected Water Women in their communities. A Water Woman is empowered for the wellness of her family with a Sawyer filter and general health information. In return, she makes a sacred commitment to filter healthy drinking water for three other households besides her own.

Driven by compassion and guided by science for better health, Water with Blessings has trained 164,527 Water Women in over 48 countries.

Honduran woman smiling holding her knitted crafts


Bottle of Sawyer Picaridin Insect Repellent Spray

What's a Water Woman?

All 140 Sawyer partners use unique, intentional programming to train individuals on how to use Sawyer Water Filtration Systems.

Water With Blessings educates women on how to use and repair their filtration systems, and empowers them to become respected Water Women in their communities. A Water Woman is empowered for the wellness of her family with a Sawyer filter and general health information. In return, she makes a sacred commitment to filter healthy drinking water for three other households besides her own.

Driven by compassion and guided by science for better health, Water with Blessings has trained 164,527 Water Women in over 48 countries.

How long do the filters last?

On our visit to Honduras, we met original Water Women who had been filtering water for their communities with the exact same filters for over a decade.

Their secret? Proper cleaning after each use.

Learn how to clean your Sawyer filter the Water Woman Way™ in the video.

Four Honduran women holding Sawyer water filters and international water filtration bucket

How long do the filters last?

On our visit to Honduras, we met original Water Women who had been filtering water for their communities with the exact same filters for over a decade.

Their secret? Proper cleaning after each use.

Learn how to clean your Sawyer filter the Water Woman Way™ in the video.

Honduran woman smiling holding her knitted crafts


Bottle of Sawyer Picaridin Insect Repellent Spray


Water With Blessings is a non-profit devoted to bringing clean water to communities in over 48 countries around the world.

They are mothers and missionaries who equip other mothers in need of water with filtration systems, providing them, their families, and their neighbors with safe, clean, healthy water.

Water With Blessings gladly and proudly collaborates with people of any faith who practice compassion and believe clean water is a basic human right.

read the article


Water With Blessings is a non-profit devoted to bringing clean water to communities in over 48 countries around the world.

They are mothers and missionaries who equip other mothers in need of water with filtration systems, providing them, their families, and their neighbors with safe, clean, healthy water.

Water With Blessings gladly and proudly collaborates with people of any faith who practice compassion and believe clean water is a basic human right.