Released November 2024, "Sawyer Think: How a Small Company Disrupts Markets and Changes the World" can be purchased through the Sawyer Products online shop.

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Kurt Avery delves into a range of proven business and marketing techniques, including some developed through his own professional experiences as the founder, owner, and president of Sawyer Products.

Sawyer Products has achieved remarkable success with its innovative water filtration and insect repellent products, but it hasn’t stopped there. Sawyer Thinks reveals how the company has harnessed its profitability to make a significant charitable impact worldwide and provides a clear roadmap that other businesses can follow.

Sawyer Thinks aims to inspire and empower business leaders to think beyond the bottom line and use their resources to create meaningful change. It includes a step-by-step guide on increasing charitable giving and philanthropic efforts while also enhancing overall profitability and sustainability.


November 19, 2024

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We are More Than an Outdoor Company. Water Filtration, Insect Repellent, Sunscreen & First Aid, from the Backcountry to the Backyard.

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Dave Collins
Founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief