Sawyer Products Gears Up for Hurricane Season 2021

The Manufacturer of Industry-Leading Water Filtration Solutions is Helping People Everywhere Prepare through its Products and Partners

SAFETY HARBOR, FL – July 7, 2021 – Sawyer Products, leaders in technologically advanced outdoor solutions and producers of world-class water filtration products, is advocating for residents of high-risk locations to implement proactive emergency preparedness now that the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season has officially kicked off. Sawyer has long been devoted to working with organizations located all over the globe to both assist in hurricane season preparedness and offer immediate relief in the aftermath of disasters.  Through the introduction of its recently launched Tap Filter product, as well as collaborating with Amazon’s newly opened Disaster Relief Hub, Sawyer is serving as a trusted resource to help people everywhere adequately prepare for this year’s hurricane season.

Launched in October 2020, the Tap Filter is Sawyer’s newest addition to its trusted line of personal water filtration systems and perhaps its most impactful product yet for hurricane season. Stemming from Sawyer’s global welfare initiatives through the charitable arm of the brand, Sawyer International, the Tap Filter allows people to enjoy 99.99999 percent bacteria-free water through the faucets in their very own home. Whether it be an outside faucet or an indoor sink, the Tap Filter can filter up to 500 gallons of water per day, making access to clean, safe drinking water more feasible than ever for those in need. Eliminating reliance on bottled products that may be in short supply during hurricanes or in the aftermath, Sawyer’s Tap Filter provides an easy way to access clean water directly from your plumbing, even when boil advisories are in effect. Using 0.1 absolute micron filtration, making it impossible for harmful pathogens like salmonella or cysts like E. coli, Giardia and Vibrio cholerae to pass through, Sawyer’s Tap Filter belongs in every household in America and any nation at risk of exposure to a major hurricane.

Read more about how Sawyer Products is prepping for hurricane season here.


February 11, 2025

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