Lyme Disease and How to Stay Protected
Lyme Disease and How to Stay Protected
Did you know Sawyer Permethrin can be used to protect your family when they spend time outside? This season, prevent your family from interacting with potential disease carrying pests by using Sawyer Permethrin. In addition to your fabric patio furniture, table clothes, umbrellas, hammocks, or other outdoor equipment, you can also use a treated blanket to lay out on the ground to maximize your protection from mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects whether you are out relaxing in the backcountry or playing in your backyard. The more treated fabric you have around you, the more you are protected. Play Tick Free.
Did you know Sawyer Permethrin can be used to protect your family when they spend time outside? This season, prevent your family from interacting with potential disease carrying pests by using Sawyer Permethrin. In addition to your fabric patio furniture, table clothes, umbrellas, hammocks, or other outdoor equipment, you can also use a treated blanket to lay out on the ground to maximize your protection from mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects whether you are out relaxing in the backcountry or playing in your backyard. The more treated fabric you have around you, the more you are protected. Play Tick Free.
Did you know Sawyer Permethrin can be used to protect your family when they spend time outside? This season, prevent your family from interacting with potential disease carrying pests by using Sawyer Permethrin. In addition to your fabric patio furniture, table clothes, umbrellas, hammocks, or other outdoor equipment, you can also use a treated blanket to lay out on the ground to maximize your protection from mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects whether you are out relaxing in the backcountry or playing in your backyard. The more treated fabric you have around you, the more you are protected. Play Tick Free.
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Did you know Sawyer Permethrin can be used on dogs? When applied directly to dogs, Sawyer Permethrin Insect Repellent provides protection from mosquitoes and fleas for 35 days and ticks for 6 weeks. Cats however can only be exposed to permethrin once the treated clothing or gear has completely dried due to their unique central nervous system. This is not true with dogs, horses, or cows.
Whether you are camping, walking on a paved trail, or simply playing in the backyard, ticks and other insects have no boundaries. You may be using a tick or flea collar for your pet but they can still carry ticks inside your home, Protect your dog and family by treating your clothing, your pets, and your pets gear with Sawyer Permethrin.
Did you know that a single bite from the Lone Star Tick can cause an allergy to meat? The Lone Star tick bite transmits a sugar molecule called alpha-gal into the body that can cause your immune system to develop an allergy.
Sawyer Permethrin can be used on dogs but is toxic around cats until it has dried. Permethrin can last up to 6 weeks on your dog depending on the hair type and length, visit to learn more.
Sawyer Permethrin Clothing and Gear Insect Repellent Treatment
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSawyer Permethrin Insect Repellent Tips and Tricks for Sportsman and Dogs
download pdfread articlewatch VIDEOSAWYER Permethrin - How to Stay Protected by Treating Clothing, Gear, Hammocks, and More.
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