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It's springtime, which means tick season is here.

Some might say mosquitoes are the bane of their existence when it comes to the outdoors, but if you've ever encountered ticks -- then you might think mosquitoes are a walk in the park. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention usually addresses tick season each year to let people know how to protect themselves and their pets, depending on your area and what tick-borne diseases are prevalent there. Tick bites can be dangerous, leading to illnesses like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and untreated they can cause headaches, nerve pain, numbness, and more. To protect yourself, be wary of wooded areas and tall grass -- and when you enter them, use tick repellant and protective clothing. If you spend lots of time outdoors or live in states susceptible to tick seasons (states across the east coast), you should also practice the same precautions and make sure you protect your pets as well.

You should also become acquainted with how to properly remove a tick. Keeping a pair of tweezers in your First Aid kit essential, but the best way to prevent tick bites is to be proactive. You can use tick repellent for yourself and your backyard with our recommendations for best tick repellant, and here's our top picks.


October 22, 2023

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