Best Emergency Water Filters of 2022

Contaminated water kills. An estimated 780,000 people die from drinking dirty water per year. Take a second to let that statistic sink in.  

In most parts of the US, we’re very fortunate to have easy access to tap water that’s safe to drink. But if you’re visiting a developing country and won’t have access to clean water, it’s vital that you prepare in advance.

If you’ve arrived on this guide, you already know that. You’re looking for the best emergency water filter, and I’m here to help.

Why trust me?

I review water filters for a living. I know what makes a good product – and, more importantly, what makes a cr*p one. I’ve written for key water industry publications like WQP Magazine, WWD Magazine, and Sawyer Products, and nearly 75,000 monthly visitors rely on my knowledge when they’re in the process of buying a filter.

I’ve ranked the emergency filters on this list in order of reliability and effectiveness. There’s no arguing with the fact that when you’re in the wilderness and dirty water is your only drinking source, reliability is absolutely the most important feature of your filter.

In all, I tested over 20 emergency filters with untreated lake & river water, and the 8 featured below are the only ones I would trust 100%.

In this guide, I’ll cover:

  • Reviews of the top 9 survival filters in 2022
  • The 5 types of survival water filters available
  • 7 things you must consider when buying an emergency water filter.

Find the full article written by Brian Campbell here


October 28, 2024

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Water Filter Guru

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We want to help everyone have access to fresh, clean and healthy water!

Water is necessary to all walks of life on our beautiful planet and is something each and every one of us needs to thrive and live healthily. We humans need to be drinking at least 64 ounces of water each and every day!

At we believe everyone should have access to this essential resource. Our mission is to help you find information, products and solutions to address your water quality needs.

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