What To Wear Camping This Summer

When I started dating my boyfriend, he invited me on a big camping trip for his birthday. Growing up in New York City, my only experience consisted of sleeping in a tent in the parking lot of my summer camp. For some reason, my anxiety manifested as me focusing on what to wear camping, and more specifically what to wear to sleep. I enlisted my colleagues to help map out my nighttime look: Do I do a little pair of shorts and a tank, or a henley legging set or a nightgown? A few days before we left, I realized that I didn't even own a sleeping bag.

Luckily he had extra gear. The camping trip went well enough and we kept on dating, despite his shade about my camping pajama look. (We had decided on a lacy tank with matching shorts. What can I say, I love a set!) We live together now and his camping gear is my camping gear. We have sleeping bags, tents, headlights, sleeping pads etc. I learned that I have to be less precious about what I am wearing, when variables like mosquitoes and weather come to play, and now I feel confident in my look to navigate camping with ease. My daily uniform consists of trusty Chacos sandals, a Hunza G one piece swimsuit and loose pants paired with a hoodie. At night I wear a short and tank set, because it gets hot in our cozy two person tent.

Continue reading for the best camping gear and attire to wear this summer.


October 21, 2024

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