Build Your Entire Thru Hiking Kit from the Garage Grown Holiday Sale

Garage Grown Gear is an online store that has hundreds of brands of small, cottage, ultralight brands of outdoor gear all under one roof. The Garage Grown Gear Holiday Sale is here with 800 items on sale!

We want to reduce the overwhelm and help you make the most of this sale, which runs November 26–December 2nd.

Continue reading to learn more about building a thru hiking kit, written by Naomi Hudetz.


January 2, 2025

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We’re outdoor adventurers from across the country who believe that less time researching means more time spent outdoors.

Using our own experience, field-testing, and a meta-review process that takes into account expert opinions and everyday users, we seek to bring you gear review with perspective.

Our goal is to give you recommendations for gear you will love.

Our mission is to reduce the impact on the planet by helping you buy right the first time.

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