The Best Black Friday Outdoor Gear 2020: Sales to Shop Now

It’s the most wonderful time of the year to get outside! Or at least it will be after we take advantage of amazing Black Friday sales; and then, of course, Cyber Monday deals These are the days when retailers and brands alike start to offer products at drastically reduced prices across the board for the holidays. For those of us who appreciate spending a little more time in the great outdoors, though, this is a great time to stock up on all the equipment and gear we need for hiking, camping, spelunking, and much more. Here are the Black Friday outdoor gear deals we’ve managed to find so far. If you’re looking for a specific sale, we’ve rounded up the best camping deals, kayak sales, and Black Friday tent discounts going on right now as well.

Best Black Friday Outdoor Deals

Expires soon

Sawyer Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing, Gear & Tents - $13 $15

It’s hard to think about mosquitos when the leaves are falling & there’s a scent of fried turkey in the air, but next spring you’ll be glad you took advantage of this insect repellent.

Explore how and where else to find the best Black Friday gear deals written by John James here.


October 19, 2024

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This lightweight, 2-ounce filter removes bacteria, protozoa, cysts, sediment, and 100 per cent of microplastics.

Mia Wandl
Associate Producer