The Best Bug Sprays to Use This Summer from Men's Health

Top picks against any pest.

If bugs aren’t annoying enough this summer, trying to figure out which bug spray to use only seems to add to the irritation. There are all these different ingredients, not all of them fight everything you want to repel, and there are so many choices. It doesn't have to be that confusing.

See the full list from Marty Munson on Men's Health's website here.


October 19, 2024

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Men's Health

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With 25 print editions in 35 countries and more than 21 million readers across its social and digital platforms, Men’s Health is the world’s largest men’s magazine brand, and the number one source of information for and about men. It’s the brand for active, successful, professional men who want greater control over their physical, mental, and emotional lives. We give men the tools they need to make their lives better through in-depth and expert-backed reporting, covering everything from fashion and grooming to health, nutrition, fitness, weight loss, as well as cutting-edge gear, the latest in entertainment, science, and more.

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