23 Helpful Gifts for Hikers, According to a Seasoned Trekker

From hiking shoes to hydration packs.

Hikers have come a long, long way from clunky framed backpacks, heavy boots, and hoofing it in floor-length wool skirts. Yet for a sport so seemingly straightforward, hiking still requires a fair amount of gear for safety, practicality, and comfort: the wrong pair of socks or shoes can make the difference between a happy ramble through the woods, and a miserable trudge—no matter how epic the summit selfie may look.

Fortunately, outdoors brands have technology on their side: from sports bras to pants to smartphone lenses, hiking clothing, gear, and accessories have improved by leaps and bounds in recent years. If you know someone who loves trekking up switchbacks, bagging peaks, and above all, spending time in nature, here are 23 gift ideas they’ll appreciate finding under the tree.

See the full list by Gray Chapman on Self Magazine's website here.


October 28, 2024

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