The 10 Best Water Filters and Purifiers to Remove Bacteria and Other Harmful Contaminants

Find top-rated picks that will help you get better-tasting H2O!

When it comes to getting your daily dose of water in, ensuring you’re drinking clean, safe water is key. But how can you be sure your water is safe? The best water filters and purifiers will not only help remove unwanted contaminants from your glass, but they’ll also offer peace of mind.

“We’ve all heard the horror stories of the things found in our drinking water, everything from lead and chlorine to industrial contaminants, pesticides, and even pharmaceuticals,” says Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND., celebrity nutritionist and author of Bone Broth Diet. These contaminants can lead to extreme sickness and health issues, making it crucial to drink the cleanest water possible.

And one of the best ways to do so is by adding a water filter or purifier into your daily routine. “Most filters work by trapping and absorbing contaminants and other substances in the filter,” explains Dr. Petrucci. “More advanced filtration systems can also remove pesticides and bacteria.”

Some systems work to remove even more. “Some products use a reverse osmosis process,” says Dr. Petrucci. “This involves a tool using pressure to push water through a semipermeable (only certain particles) membrane layer that has pores small enough to trap contaminants but big enough to allow water to pass through,” she explains.

If you interested in learning about Shauna Beni's list of 10 best water filters and purifiers, continue reading here.


October 24, 2024

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