Medium: Top Outdoorsy Gifts for This Holiday Season

It’s hard to buy gifts for someone who says they don’t want or need anything. I know that because I’m one of those people, and I always end up getting gifts from people despite the fact that I say I don’t need anything. It can be hard to tell people that what I really need is outdoorsy gear, or money to go towards something I’m saving up for. So usually I don’t say anything and just let them do what they’re going to do, which is probably to buy me something despite what I tell them. Since I know other people often have the same problem, especially if they’re more focused on adventures and experiences, I complied a list of outdoors-focused gifts (ranging from a couple dollars to some more pricey options) that’ll hopefully help you buy friends and family gifts they’ll love!

Full list of outdoor gifts from Athena Czerwinski Burkard on Medium's website.


October 23, 2024

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