No-see-ums are tiny insects with over five thousand incredibly difficult-to-spot species, making them difficult to squash. However, effective and efficient ums repellents with an active ingredient can keep these little bloodsuckers from your home. This guide discusses the best no see um repellents and how they work more in-depth.

What are No See Um?

No See Ums, also known as biting midges, are tiny insects feeding on plant nectar and blood. These minor bugs are barely visible blood-sucking gnats from a family of biting flies. While these insects are difficult to see, bug bites can inflict pain on your body like mosquitos. You’ll find these insects in the coastal areas with marshland and water. Furthermore, these insects are 0.03 inches long and can fit through your window frame, doors, etc.

How do No See Um repellents work?

No see ums repellents contain active ingredients that effectively deter insects from your home. A spray bottle contains active ingredients, carbon dioxide, and components that adversely affect these insects’ immune systems. While deet repellents content deters No See Ums from your home, it protects your skin from mosquito bites if appropriately used. Consider applying no see ums repellents where you want these insects to avoid for effective results. These insects maintain a safe distance when they perceive the odor of these repellents.

Continue learning about the best no see um repellents, written by Ruta Goba here.


October 24, 2024

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