The 6 Best Filtered Water Bottles for Cleaner Hydration
The trail is getting steeper and the sun is beating down on your skin, draining your energy with each aching step you take. Your head starts to feel cloudy and light, so you take a knee and try to regain your equilibrium. Unfortunately, your throat is dry and you’ve never felt more thirsty in your entire life. Luckily, you have your purifying water bottle to turn cool stream water into a refreshing drinkable liquid.
Roaming through nature’s landscapes is therapeutic, but in order to enjoy the full experience of being unplugged, you have to be prepared for the worst. Getting a standard water bottle isn’t enough, especially for longer trips in the backcountry. With a filtration water bottle, you can scoop up a tall drink anywhere there’s still or moving water and hydrate without fear of getting sick. It’s a simple piece of gear, but it’s a must-have if you spend most of your free time outdoors because it can save your life. We’ve analyzed a heaping number of decontamination containers and filtered out the mediocre offerings to build this list of the best purifying water bottles available.
Learn more on the best filtered water bottles, written by Ethan Brehm here.
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