Snake Bite Kits 101

Snakes are common worldwide, especially in the warmer climates where they thrive. Though encountering a snake on the trail can be unsettling, most confrontations end peacefully with the human and snake going on their own way. Occasionally, the encounter is a surprise one, and the snake bites to protect itself. Some hikers choose to carry a snake bite kit, especially if they are traveling in an area known for its snake population. These portable kits contain first aid supplies and sometimes a suction device to treat a snake bite.

There are two basic types of snakebite kits: a commercial kit (like this one from Sawyer) and a DIY kit with necessary first aid supplies. The retail kit contains a plunger-style suction device that pulls the venom out of a wound. It also may have a razor to remove hair, basic wound cleaning materials like alcohol pads, and bandages to cover the snake bite. A DIY kit is one that you assemble yourself and contains basic first aid supplies you need to clean and dress a snake bite.

Read the full article by Kelly Hodgkins on Greenbelly's website here.


October 24, 2024

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