8 Mosquito-Fighting Products That Really Work, According to Amazon Reviewers

Keep mosquitos away with these products that are better for you and the environment.

Summer is my favorite season. I love the heat, humidity and fun vacations that (usually) come with summer. However, travel is more restricted right now due to the novel coronavirus, so we’re likely all spending more time at home. Though it’s possible to have a super-fun staycation in your backyard (tacos and margaritas, anyone?), there’s one annoying part about hanging out in my backyard: mosquitos.

I live in Birmingham, Alabama, which I am convinced is the mosquito capital of the world. I’ve tried planting citronella and other mosquito-repelling plants, but the little suckers seem to still love biting me. And even though I’m a mosquito magnet, I don’t want to spray myself down with chemicals just to avoid a few bug bites.

So I scoured Amazon for the best mosquito-deterring products. Here are eight products reviewers can’t stop raving about.

Check out Jaime Milan's full list of recommendations here.


October 18, 2024

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