8 Travel-Friendly Water Purifiers That Actually Work

We put water bottles, pitchers, and straws to the test to find out what works best.

It’s easy to take water for granted when you live and work in a building that has clean drinking water running in abundance from every faucet—but that’s not always the case when traveling abroad or heading out into nature while camping or hiking.

I learned that the hard way when I spent three months in a cabin in the woods that ran on lake water. I subscribe to the eight-cups-a-day rule, and I have an emotional support water bottle that I carry from room-to-room at all times. I am, simply put, a big water drinker. And sure, I was able to drive to the grocery store to buy water—but finding a water purifying solution that allowed me to drink the lake water was much more convenient, eco-friendly, and budget-friendly than having to add gallons of drinking water to my grocery list.

Over the last month or so, I’ve tried a handful of different water purifiers and filtration systems at my cabin on the lake. Of all the styles I tested, there were eight that I will continue to use on future trips to the woods and bring with me on my next vacation abroad. Read on for the best high-quality portable water purifiers and filters to ensure you always have access to bacteria- and sediment-free drinking water on the go.

Find the full article written by Kaitlyn Mcinnis here.


October 24, 2024

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